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Unwrap the Magic of 'Last Christmas' Ariana Grande Lyrics: Get into the Festive Spirit with this Jolly Hit!

Last Christmas Ariana Grande Lyrics

Get ready to sing along with Ariana Grande's heartwarming rendition of Last Christmas. Check out the lyrics and spread some holiday cheer! 🎄🎶

Are you ready to get into the holiday spirit with Ariana Grande? The pop sensation has released her rendition of the classic hit Last Christmas, and it's sure to make you feel jolly. But before we dive into the lyrics, let's take a moment to appreciate the fact that Ariana Grande can do no wrong when it comes to music. From her powerful vocals to her catchy beats, she's the queen of pop. So, let's get into the holiday groove and analyze the lyrics of Last Christmas.

First and foremost, can we talk about how relatable this song is? We've all been through a heartbreak during the holidays, and Ariana perfectly captures that feeling. As she sings Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it away, we can all feel the pain in our chests. It's a tough pill to swallow, but at least we can bond over it with Ariana.

But let's not dwell on the past for too long, because as Ariana reminds us, This year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special. And that's the attitude we should all have during the holidays. It's a time to spread love and cheer, even if we've been hurt before. So, go ahead and find that special someone to give your heart to this year.

Now, let's talk about the production of this song. The upbeat tempo and festive instrumentals make it impossible not to dance along. And of course, Ariana's powerhouse vocals are on full display. There's a reason why she's one of the biggest names in music, and Last Christmas is just another example of her talent.

But the best part of this song? The iconic line I don't want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need. Sorry Mariah Carey, but we have a new holiday queen in town. And while Mariah wants you for Christmas, Ariana just wants her lover to be by her side. It's a simple request, but it's all we really need during the holidays.

Now, let's take a moment to appreciate the music video for Last Christmas. Ariana serves up some serious '80s vibes with her big hair and flashy outfits. And can we talk about the snow? It's like a winter wonderland, and it's making us want to grab our coats and go play in the snow. But let's be real, we'll probably just stay inside and listen to Last Christmas on repeat.

As the song comes to a close, Ariana reminds us to keep smiling on, even if our hearts are hurting. It's a beautiful message that we should all take to heart during the holidays. Let's spread joy and love, even when things don't go as planned. And who knows, maybe next Christmas will be different.

In conclusion, Ariana Grande's rendition of Last Christmas is the perfect addition to your holiday playlist. It's catchy, relatable, and just plain fun. So, grab a cup of hot cocoa and listen to this holiday classic on repeat. And remember, even if you've been hurt before, there's always someone special out there. Happy holidays!

The Christmas Song we Love to Hate

It’s that time of the year again, folks! The time when we’re bombarded with cheesy Christmas music everywhere we go. And among these tunes is the one and only “Last Christmas” by Wham! But wait, what’s this? Ariana Grande has covered the song? Brace yourselves, people! Let’s dive into the lyrics and see what she’s done with the classic holiday hit.

Ariana’s Opening Lines: A Promising Start

The first verse starts off with Ariana retelling a story about a past relationship. She sings, “I hate that I remember, I wish I could forget.” Okay, okay, we’re intrigued. Tell us more, Ariana! But then she continues with, “What you did last December, you left my heart a mess.” Wait a minute, isn’t this song supposed to be about last Christmas, not last December? Did Ariana forget the title of the song already?

Chorus Confusion

Moving on to the chorus, Ariana sings, “Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it away.” We all know and love this classic line, but wait a minute… didn’t George Michael sing, “Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it away”? Ariana, did you forget to change the pronoun? Or are you just trying to throw us off? We’re onto you, girl.

A New Twist on the Classic Verse

Next up, Ariana delivers a new twist on the classic second verse. Instead of singing about giving her heart to someone special, she sings about wanting to give her heart to someone special. She croons, “This year, to save me from tears, I’ll give it to someone special.” Okay, we’re feeling the sentiment, but we’re also a bit confused. Who is this “someone special”? Is it the same person from last Christmas? Or is it a new love interest? We need answers, Ariana!

Bridge or Bust?

Moving on to the bridge, Ariana sings, “A crowded room, friends with tired eyes, I’m hiding from you and your soul of ice.” Okay, we’re digging the imagery here, but we’re also scratching our heads. Who are these tired-eyed friends? And why is Ariana hiding from this person with a “soul of ice”? Is this a reference to Game of Thrones? We have so many questions.

Ariana’s Big Finish

And finally, Ariana delivers the big finish. She belts out, “Merry Christmas, I wrapped it up and sent it, with a note saying ‘I love you,’ I meant it.” Alright, alright, we’re feeling the emotion here. But is this supposed to be a grand romantic gesture? Because it kind of sounds like she just mailed a gift with a sticky note on it. We’re not sure that’s going to win anyone over, Ariana.

The Verdict: So Bad, it’s Good?

So there you have it, folks. Ariana Grande’s take on “Last Christmas” is… interesting. It’s not exactly faithful to the original, but it’s also not a complete trainwreck. In fact, it’s so bad, it’s almost good. Like a cheesy Hallmark movie or a holiday sweater with reindeer on it. Will we be adding it to our Christmas playlists? Probably not. But will we secretly enjoy it when it comes on the radio? You betcha.

Final Thoughts: You Do You, Ariana

At the end of the day, we have to give Ariana Grande credit for putting her own spin on such a beloved holiday classic. Sure, it might not be everyone’s cup of eggnog, but that’s okay. We all have our own unique ways of celebrating the holidays. And if singing a slightly confusing version of “Last Christmas” is Ariana’s way of spreading Christmas cheer, then who are we to judge? You do you, Ariana.


Now if you’ll excuse us, we’re off to listen to the original “Last Christmas” and try to forget this whole ordeal. Happy holidays, everyone!

The Intro

Welcome to the world of catchy tunes and Ariana's angelic voice. Buckle up, folks, it's going to be a bumpy ride! Today, we're diving into the lyrics of Ariana Grande's version of the holiday classic, Last Christmas. Get ready to feel all the feels, from heartbreak to hope, as we explore this song's emotional journey.

The Opening Line

I hate that I remember, I wish I could forget. We've all been there, Ariana. Too many shots of tequila and not enough common sense. But hey, at least it makes for good music. This line sets the tone for the song, as Ariana laments about a past relationship that didn't end well.

The Chorus

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, but the very next day you gave it away. If that's not a classic tale of heartbreak, then we don't know what is. This iconic line has been stuck in our heads since the 80s, and Ariana's rendition proves that it still has the power to move us. It's a reminder to be careful who we give our hearts to, especially during the holiday season.

The Second Verse

This year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special. Ariana may have been burned before, but she's not giving up on love. She's just being more selective. And honestly, who can blame her? We all deserve to find someone special who will cherish our hearts. Cheers to a new year and new love!

The Bridge

A crowded room, friends with tired eyes. I'm hiding from you, and your soul of ice. Ah, yes, the awkward holiday party where you have to avoid your ex like the plague. We've all been there, Ariana. This line captures the tension and discomfort of seeing someone who broke your heart. But let's be real, we're all just trying to look good and avoid any more drama.

The Third Verse

A face on a lover with a fire in his heart, a man under cover but you tore him apart. Who knew Ariana could get so lyrical? But seriously, don't mess with someone's heart. The holidays are a time for love and kindness, not playing games. Let's all take a note from Ariana and treat our loved ones with the respect they deserve.

The Final Chorus

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, but the very next day you gave it away. This year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special. It's a cycle, folks. But we have faith that Ariana will find her someone special soon. This chorus is a perfect mix of nostalgia and optimism, reminding us that love is always worth risking our hearts for.

The Instrumental Break

We don't need words to feel the holiday spirit. Ariana's got us covered with her smooth vocals and the jingle of bells. This break gives us a chance to catch our breath and let the music wash over us. It's the perfect reminder of why we love holiday music in the first place.

The Outro

Merry Christmas, everyone. Short and sweet, just like Ariana herself. This outro wraps up the song with a bow, leaving us feeling warm and fuzzy inside. It's a reminder to cherish our loved ones and spread joy during this festive season.

The Overall Conclusion

Last Christmas is a holiday classic, and Ariana's rendition adds a touch of modern sass to the mix. We can't help but sing along and hope that she finds her someone special soon. Until then, we'll be listening on repeat and waiting for the next hit. This song captures the highs and lows of love during the holidays, reminding us to cherish every moment and every person who holds a special place in our hearts. So grab some hot cocoa, curl up by the fire, and let Ariana's voice transport you to a world of holiday magic.

The Hilarious Tale of Last Christmas by Ariana Grande

Ariana's Point of View

Oh my goodness, Last Christmas has to be one of the funniest songs I've ever sung! I mean, just listen to the lyrics! It's like the guy I was with last Christmas completely forgot about me and gave my heart away to someone else. But hey, at least I got a good song out of it, right?

The Story of Last Christmas

It all started last Christmas when I was dating this guy. We had been together for a few months and things were going pretty well. I was excited to spend the holidays with him and give him a special gift that I had been planning for weeks.

  1. But on Christmas day, he showed up with another girl!
  2. I couldn't believe it. I was heartbroken.
  3. He didn't even apologize, he just acted like it was no big deal.
  4. So I went home and wrote Last Christmas as a way to cope with the pain.

Now, every time I sing this song, I can't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. I mean, who does that? Who shows up with another girl on Christmas day? It's like something out of a bad rom-com.

Table Information

Keywords Definition
Last Christmas A song by Ariana Grande about being heartbroken on Christmas day
Humorous Funny or amusing
Ariana Grande An American singer and actress known for her powerful vocals and catchy pop songs
Point of View The perspective from which a story is told
Tale A story, especially one that is imaginative or exaggerated

In conclusion, Last Christmas may be a sad song on the surface, but when you really listen to the lyrics, it's impossible not to laugh. And hey, if nothing else, it's a great reminder to always have a backup plan for your holiday plans!

The End of Our Christmas Journey with Ariana Grande

Well, well, well, it seems like we have come to the end of our journey through the Last Christmas lyrics by Ariana Grande. It has been a wild ride, hasn't it? We have laughed, cried, and danced our way through this fantastic Christmas song.

But before we part ways, I feel like we need to talk about how much we have learned from this song. First and foremost, we have learned that Ariana Grande is a queen, and we should all bow down to her. She has blessed us with some of the best Christmas music out there, and we are forever grateful for that.

Secondly, we have learned that love is a beautiful thing, but sometimes it can be messy. Just like in the song, Ariana's character is trying to navigate her feelings for someone she isn't sure about. But in the end, she realizes that love is worth the risk.

Now, let's talk about those lyrics. Can we just take a moment to appreciate how catchy they are? I mean, who hasn't found themselves singing Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it away at the top of their lungs? Don't lie, I know you have.

And let's not forget about that iconic music video. The festive outfits, the snow, the synchronized dance moves. It's everything we could ever want in a Christmas music video.

As we say goodbye to this song, let's also take a moment to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. It's not about the gifts or the decorations; it's about spending time with loved ones and spreading joy and kindness.

So, my dear blog visitors, as we wrap up this journey, I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May your days be filled with love, laughter, and lots of Ariana Grande Christmas music.

Thank you for joining me on this adventure, and I hope to see you back here soon for more music-filled fun!

People Also Ask About Last Christmas Ariana Grande Lyrics

What are the lyrics to Ariana Grande's version of Last Christmas?

The lyrics to Ariana Grande's version of Last Christmas are:

  1. Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
  2. But the very next day you gave it away
  3. This year, to save me from tears
  4. I'll give it to someone special

And the chorus goes:

  1. Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
  2. But the very next day you gave it away
  3. This year, to save me from tears
  4. I'll give it to someone special

Why did Ariana Grande sing Last Christmas?

Well, I'm not sure if she had a personal reason for singing the song, but I like to think that maybe she just really loves the holidays and wanted to spread some Christmas cheer. Or maybe she just really likes Wham! and George Michael (who originally wrote and performed the song). Who knows?

Is Last Christmas by Ariana Grande a cover?

Yes, it is! As mentioned earlier, Last Christmas was originally written and performed by George Michael and his band Wham! in 1984. Ariana Grande's version was released in 2018 as part of her Christmas & Chill EP.

Is Ariana Grande's version of Last Christmas better than the original?

Okay, let's be real here: no one can top George Michael and Wham! when it comes to Last Christmas. But Ariana Grande's rendition is definitely a fun, modern take on the classic holiday tune. And hey, if you're a fan of Ariana (or just love Christmas music in general), then you might prefer her version over the original. Beauty is in the ear of the beholder!