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Keep Christ in Christmas: A Guide to Celebrating the True Meaning of the Season

Keep Christ In Christmas

Keep Christ in Christmas! Celebrate the true meaning of the season and spread joy, love, and kindness to all.

It's that time of the year again when Christmas carols fill the air, and people are rushing to the malls to buy gifts for their loved ones. But amidst all the chaos, we tend to forget the true meaning of Christmas – the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. That's why we need to keep Christ in Christmas. And no, I'm not talking about plastering Merry Christmas on every store window or having a nativity scene in your front yard. I'm talking about truly embracing the spirit of Christmas and spreading joy and love to everyone around us.

Firstly, we need to remember that Christmas is not just about receiving gifts, but also giving back to those who are less fortunate than us. It's about spreading kindness and compassion to those who need it the most. Whether it's donating to a local charity or volunteering at a homeless shelter, we can all do our part to make someone's Christmas a little brighter.

Secondly, let's not forget the reason why we celebrate Christmas in the first place – the birth of Jesus Christ. While there's nothing wrong with enjoying the festive decorations and delicious food, let's also take some time to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. We can attend church services, read the Bible, or even just have a quiet moment of prayer to connect with our faith.

Furthermore, we need to remember that Christmas is a time for family and friends. Let's make an effort to spend quality time with our loved ones, whether it's baking cookies together, watching Christmas movies, or simply enjoying each other's company. In a world that's becoming increasingly fast-paced, it's important to slow down and cherish these moments.

Moreover, let's be mindful of our words and actions during the holiday season. It's easy to get caught up in the stress and frustration of holiday shopping, but let's not let that affect our behavior towards others. Instead, let's be patient, kind, and understanding towards those around us.

Additionally, we can keep Christ in Christmas by sharing our faith with others. Whether it's inviting a friend to church or simply sharing a Bible verse on social media, we can spread the love of Christ to those who might need it the most.

Furthermore, let's not forget that Christmas is a time for forgiveness. If there's someone in our lives who we've been holding a grudge against, let's use this holiday season as an opportunity to let go of that anger and resentment. Forgiveness is a powerful tool that can bring healing and reconciliation to any relationship.

In addition, let's make an effort to be grateful for what we have. It's easy to get caught up in the materialism of Christmas, but let's not forget that we already have everything we need – our faith, our family, and our friends. Let's take some time to reflect on all the blessings in our lives and express our gratitude to God.

Moreover, let's make an effort to be inclusive during the holiday season. Christmas is a time for everyone, regardless of their race, religion, or background. Let's make sure that everyone feels included and valued, and let's embrace the diversity of our communities.

Finally, let's remember that keeping Christ in Christmas is not just a one-time thing. It's a lifelong commitment to living out our faith and spreading the love of Christ to those around us. So let's make a conscious effort to keep Christ in Christmas, not just this year, but every year.

In conclusion, keeping Christ in Christmas is more than just a slogan – it's a way of life. By embracing the true meaning of Christmas and spreading love, kindness, and compassion to those around us, we can make this holiday season a truly meaningful and joyful experience. Let's keep Christ in Christmas, now and always.


Ah, Christmas time! The season of giving, family reunions, and endless holiday parties. It's the time of year when we decorate our homes with festive lights and ornaments, bake delicious treats, and exchange gifts with loved ones. But amidst all the merriment and excitement, it can be easy to forget the true meaning of Christmas – the birth of Jesus Christ. That's why it's important to keep Christ in Christmas. In this article, we'll explore some fun and creative ways to stay focused on the reason for the season.

Let's Get Crafty!

One way to keep Christ in Christmas is to create crafts that celebrate His birth. Gather your family or a group of friends and get creative! You can make a nativity scene out of clay or paper mache, create a wreath with symbols of Christ, or even make your own advent calendar with Bible verses and messages.

The Nativity Scene

Crafting a nativity scene can be a fun and meaningful activity for the whole family. You can use clay or paper mache to mold the figures of Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus. Don't forget the animals and the angels! Once you've created your nativity scene, display it in a prominent place in your home as a reminder of the reason for the season.

The Christ-Centered Wreath

Another craft idea is to create a wreath with symbols of Christ. You can use greenery, pine cones, and other natural materials to make the base of the wreath. Then, add decorations like a cross, a crown of thorns, or even a small manger scene. Hang your wreath on your front door or above your fireplace as a daily reminder of the true meaning of Christmas.

Spread the Love

Another way to keep Christ in Christmas is to spread His love to others. Take time to serve your community, volunteer at a local shelter, or donate to a charity that supports those in need. You can also participate in a church service project, like visiting the elderly or helping a family in need.

Volunteer at a Local Shelter

Volunteering at a local shelter is a great way to spread Christ's love to those who may be struggling during the holiday season. You can serve meals, distribute gifts, or simply spend time talking with the residents. Your presence and kindness can make a huge difference in someone's life.

Donate to a Charity

Another way to spread Christ's love is to donate to a charity that supports those in need. There are many organizations that provide food, clothing, and shelter to those who are less fortunate. You can make a financial donation, or donate items like blankets, canned goods, or winter coats.

Remember the Reason for the Season

In the midst of all the holiday chaos, it's important to take time to reflect on the true reason for the season – the birth of Jesus Christ. Make sure to attend church services, read the Bible, and pray as a family. You can also create a Christ-centered Advent calendar that includes daily Bible readings and activities that celebrate Christ's birth.

Attend Church Services

Attending church services is a great way to stay focused on the reason for the season. Many churches offer special Christmas Eve or Christmas Day services that include music, prayer, and a message about the birth of Christ. Make sure to prioritize attending church services during the holiday season.

Create an Advent Calendar

Creating an Advent calendar can be a fun and meaningful way to celebrate Christ's birth. You can use a traditional calendar with pockets or create your own with envelopes or small boxes. Each day, include a Bible verse or a message that celebrates Christ's birth. You can also include activities like baking cookies, making ornaments, or serving others.


Keeping Christ in Christmas is an important way to stay focused on the true meaning of the holiday season. Whether you're creating crafts, serving others, or reflecting on the birth of Jesus, make sure to prioritize Christ in all that you do. By doing so, you'll experience the true joy and peace that comes from celebrating the birth of our Savior. Merry Christmas!

Keep Christ in Christmas: A Humorous Guide

It's that time of year again, folks! Time to break out the eggnog, the ugly sweaters, and the Nativity scenes. Yes, it's Jesus' Birthday Bash! But with all the hoopla surrounding Santa and his reindeer, it can be easy to forget about the real reason for the season. So, let's take a look at how we can keep Christ in Christmas with a little humor and a lot of heart.

Santa and Jesus: A Comparison

Let's start with a comparison, shall we? Santa Claus and Jesus Christ. One is a jolly old man with a beard and a red suit, the other is...well, you know who Jesus is. But here's the thing: Santa may bring presents, but Jesus brings salvation. So, while we can enjoy the fun of Santa Claus, let's not forget the true gift of Christmas.

The War on Christmas: A Tale of Two Sides

Ah, the War on Christmas. It's a tale as old as time (or at least as old as Fox News). On one side, we have the folks who want to keep Christ in Christmas. On the other side, we have the folks who just want to enjoy the holiday without feeling like they're being preached at. Here's the thing: both sides have a point. We should never force our beliefs on others, but we also shouldn't be afraid to share our faith. So, let's find a balance and spread some Christmas cheer without stepping on toes.

Manger Scenes and Montages: Why We Need Both

Speaking of balance, let's talk about manger scenes and montages. Some people prefer the traditional Nativity scene, complete with Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus in a stable surrounded by farm animals. Others prefer a more modern approach, with Christmas trees, snowflakes, and lots of glitter. Here's the thing: we need both. The Nativity scene reminds us of the humble beginnings of our Savior, while the modern decorations remind us that Christmas is a time of joy and celebration. So, let's embrace both and find the beauty in each.

The Secret to Keeping Christ in Christmas: Don't Forget Him

Okay, this one may seem obvious, but hear me out. The secret to keeping Christ in Christmas not forget Him. It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season and forget why we're even celebrating. So, let's make a conscious effort to remember. Say a prayer, read the Christmas story, attend a candlelight service. Whatever it takes to keep our focus on the true reason for the season.

Baby Jesus vs. Baby Yoda: Who Wins in the Holiday Hype?

Alright, let's settle this once and for all: who wins in the holiday hype, baby Jesus or baby Yoda? It's a tough call, but here's my take: both are pretty adorable. But while baby Yoda may be the newest addition to the pop culture scene, baby Jesus has been around for over 2,000 years. So, let's give Him the credit He deserves and keep Him at the center of our celebrations.

The Nativity Scene: Why Camels and Wise Men Are Important Too

We've talked about the Nativity scene already, but let's dive a little deeper. Why are camels and wise men important too? Well, the camels remind us that the journey to Bethlehem was long and difficult. The wise men remind us that Jesus' birth was not just a local event, but a global one. So, let's embrace all the characters in the Nativity scene and remember that Jesus came for all people, from all walks of life.

Christmas Carols and Dancing Angels: How to Have Fun with Faith

Alright, enough seriousness. Let's talk about having fun with faith! Christmas carols, dancing angels, and ugly sweater parties are just a few ways to celebrate the season with a little humor and a lot of joy. So, let's sing our hearts out, dance like nobody's watching, and enjoy all the festive traditions that make this time of year so special.

From Bethlehem to Baking Cookies: Making Christ the Center of Your Celebrations

Whether you're traveling to Bethlehem or just baking cookies in your kitchen, there are plenty of ways to make Christ the center of your celebrations. Take some time to reflect on the meaning of Christmas, share your faith with others, and give thanks for all the blessings in your life. And if you happen to burn the cookies, don't worry. God's grace is bigger than burnt sugar.

The Gift Exchange Dilemma: How to Keep Christ in Your Heart and Your Wallet

Finally, let's talk about the gift exchange dilemma. It's easy to get caught up in the consumerism of Christmas and forget about the true gift of Christ. But here's the thing: giving gifts can be a way to show love and generosity, just like Christ showed us. So, let's focus on meaningful gifts, thoughtful gestures, and acts of service that reflect the love of Christ. And if you're on a budget, remember that the greatest gift of all is free: salvation through Jesus Christ.

So there you have it, folks. A humorous guide to keeping Christ in Christmas. Remember to laugh, love, and keep your eyes fixed on the Savior who was born in a manger so long ago. Merry Christmas!

Keeping Christ in Christmas: A Humorous Tale

The Scrooge Who Stole Christmas

Once upon a time, there was a man named Ebenezer Scrooge who hated Christmas with a passion. He despised the carols, the decorations, and the joyous spirit that seemed to infect everyone around him. To him, it was nothing more than a commercialized holiday that brought out the worst in people.

But one day, as he was walking home from his office, he saw a sign that read Keep Christ in Christmas. He scoffed at it and muttered to himself, As if that's going to make a difference.

The Ghostly Visitation

That night, as Scrooge was sleeping, he was visited by three ghosts who showed him the true meaning of Christmas. The first ghost took him to his past, where he saw himself as a young boy, happy and carefree. The second ghost took him to the present, where he saw the joy and love that surrounded the holiday season. But it was the third ghost that truly changed him.

The third ghost took him to the future, where he saw a world without Christmas. There were no decorations, no carols, and no joy. People were sad and miserable, and there was no hope for the future. It was then that Scrooge realized the importance of keeping Christ in Christmas.

The Transformation

From that day on, Scrooge was a changed man. He embraced the holiday season with open arms and even started attending church. He donated money to charities and volunteered his time to help those less fortunate. He realized that Christmas wasn't about the gifts or the decorations, but about the love and joy that came from celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

Keeping Christ in Christmas: Why It Matters

There are many reasons why keeping Christ in Christmas is important. Here are just a few:

  1. It reminds us of the true meaning of Christmas.
  2. It brings us closer to God.
  3. It helps us focus on what's truly important in life.
  4. It encourages us to be kind and generous to others.
  5. It allows us to experience the joy and love of the holiday season.


So, as we celebrate this holiday season, let us remember to keep Christ in Christmas. Let us focus on the love and joy that comes with celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. And let us spread that love and joy to those around us.

Closing Message: Don't Let the Grinches Steal Your Joy this Christmas!

Well, folks, we've come to the end of our journey together. We've talked about the importance of keeping Christ in Christmas, and how to do that in the face of all the commercialism and chaos that can overwhelm us during this season.

But before we say goodbye, I want to leave you with a few final thoughts (and maybe a joke or two, if you promise to laugh).

First of all, remember that Christmas is a time for joy. It's a time to celebrate the birth of our Savior and to rejoice in the love and grace that he brings to our lives. So don't let the grinches steal your joy! Whether it's the pushy crowds at the mall, the endless holiday parties, or the stress of gift-giving, try to keep your focus on what really matters.

One way to do that is by taking time to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. Maybe you could spend a few minutes each day reading the Christmas story from the Bible, or listening to some beautiful hymns that remind you of God's love. Or maybe you could make a point of doing something kind for someone else every day, as a way of sharing the love of Christ with others.

Another way to keep Christ in Christmas is by staying connected to your church community. This is a great time of year to attend worship services, participate in Christmas pageants or concerts, or join in other activities that bring you closer to God and to other believers.

And of course, don't forget to have fun! Christmas is also a time for laughter and celebration. So go ahead and bake those cookies, watch that cheesy Hallmark movie, and wear that ugly sweater with pride. Just remember to keep your eyes on the true reason for the season, and let that joy shine through in all that you do.

So, my friends, as we wrap up this discussion about keeping Christ in Christmas, I want to thank you for joining me. I hope that these tips and ideas have been helpful to you, and that you feel inspired to make this Christmas a truly meaningful and joyful one.

Remember, no matter what challenges or obstacles come your way, the love of Christ is always with you. So go forth with confidence, knowing that you are loved and cherished by the one who came to earth as a baby, so that you might have eternal life.

And with that, I'll say goodbye - but not farewell. Let's stay connected as we continue to journey through life together, seeking to honor our Savior every day of the year.

Merry Christmas, and God bless!

People Also Ask About Keeping Christ In Christmas

What does it mean to keep Christ in Christmas?

Keeping Christ in Christmas means focusing on the true meaning of the holiday. It's about remembering and celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, who came to earth to save us from our sins. It's about spreading love, kindness, and joy just as Christ did during his time on earth.

How do I keep Christ in Christmas?

  • Attend church services and participate in religious activities
  • Read the Bible and reflect on the story of Jesus' birth
  • Pray and give thanks for God's love and blessings
  • Show generosity and kindness to others, just as Christ would
  • Share the message of Christ's love with those around you

Why is it important to keep Christ in Christmas?

Keeping Christ in Christmas helps to remind us of the true meaning of the holiday. It brings us back to the foundation of our faith and helps us to focus on what's truly important. By keeping Christ in Christmas, we can also set a positive example for others and spread the message of God's love to those around us.

Can I still enjoy the secular traditions of Christmas while keeping Christ in Christmas?

Absolutely! There's no reason why you can't enjoy the fun and festive traditions of Christmas while still keeping Christ at the center of your celebrations. Just remember to keep the focus on the true meaning of the holiday and to use these traditions as a way to show love and kindness to others.

Why do some people get upset when others say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas?

Well, some people feel like saying Happy Holidays takes away from the religious significance of Christmas. They believe that the holiday should be referred to as Christmas and that the greeting should reflect that. However, others feel that Happy Holidays is a more inclusive greeting that takes into account other holidays celebrated during the same time period, such as Hanukkah and Kwanzaa.

So, how can we keep the peace?

Let's all remember that the important thing is to spread love, kindness, and joy during the holiday season, no matter what greeting we use. Instead of getting upset over semantics, let's focus on the true meaning of the holiday and celebrate it in our own unique ways.