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So This Is Christmas Lyrics: Enjoy the Festive Tune of John and Yoko's Classic

So This Is Christmas Lyrics

Get into the holiday spirit with the heartwarming lyrics of So This Is Christmas. Sing along to this classic tune and spread some cheer!

So, you're probably thinking, Oh great, another article about Christmas lyrics. But wait, hold on just a second. Have you really taken the time to dissect the lyrics of John Lennon's So This Is Christmas? I mean, sure, we all know the catchy chorus and the sentiment behind it. But have you ever really thought about the deeper meaning behind the verses?

First of all, let's talk about the opening line: And so this is Christmas, and what have you done? Talk about a guilt trip right off the bat. Lennon doesn't waste any time in making us reflect on our actions over the past year. Have we made a positive impact on the world? Have we helped those less fortunate than ourselves? Or have we just been sitting on our butts binge-watching Netflix?

But it's not all doom and gloom, folks. Lennon goes on to say, Another year over, and a new one just begun. Ah, there's that glimmer of hope we all need around the holidays. A fresh start, a new beginning. It's like a reset button for our lives. We can take the lessons we've learned from the past year and use them to make the next one even better.

Of course, no Christmas song would be complete without some mention of gifts and presents. Lennon has a unique take on this, though. He sings, And so this is Christmas, I hope you have fun. The near and the dear one, the old and the young. It's not about the material things we give or receive, but rather the time we spend with loved ones. The memories we create together are worth more than any present wrapped up under a tree.

But then, just when you thought you had this song figured out, Lennon throws us a curveball. War is over, if you want it. Wait, what? Where did that come from? It's like the mood of the song does a complete 180. But that's the beauty of art, isn't it? It can surprise us, challenge us, make us think.

And let's talk about that line for a minute. War is over, if you want it. It's a powerful statement. It's a call to action. It's saying that we have the power to end conflict and bring peace to the world. All we have to do is want it badly enough. If every person made a conscious effort to spread love and kindness, to put aside our differences and work towards a common goal, imagine what we could accomplish.

So, there you have it. So This Is Christmas may seem like just another holiday tune, but it's so much more than that. It's a reminder to reflect on our actions, to find hope in a new year, to cherish the people in our lives, and to strive for peace. Pretty heavy stuff for a song that also features the lyrics War is over, if you want it.

But hey, maybe I'm reading too much into it. Maybe Lennon just wanted to write a catchy tune with a positive message. Either way, I think we can all agree that So This Is Christmas is a classic that will continue to be played for years to come.


Ah, the holiday season! A time for family, friends, and endless Christmas music on the radio. And what better way to get into the festive spirit than with John Lennon's classic tune, So This Is Christmas? Let's take a closer look at the lyrics of this beloved song and see why it has become a staple of holiday playlists everywhere.

The Opening Line

The song starts off with a simple yet poignant question: So this is Christmas, and what have you done? Talk about a mood-setter! Lennon wastes no time in reminding us that the end of the year is approaching, and it's time to reflect on our accomplishments (or lack thereof) over the past twelve months. Thanks for the reminder, John.

But Wait, There's More

Of course, the opening line is just the beginning. Lennon goes on to ask if we've been good this year and if we've made any plans for next year. The pressure is on! Suddenly, I feel like I'm sitting in front of Santa himself, trying to prove that I deserve a spot on the nice list.

The Next Verse

After the initial interrogation, the song takes a more hopeful turn. Lennon reminds us that war is over, if you want it, and encourages us to let's hope it's a good one, without any fear. It's a message that still resonates today, especially in a world that can often feel divided and uncertain.

Sleigh Bells Ringing

One of the most memorable parts of the song is the chorus, where Lennon belts out A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Let's hope it's a good one, without any fear. It's a simple but catchy refrain that will have you humming along in no time. Plus, nothing screams Christmas quite like the sound of sleigh bells in the background.

The Bridge

After a few more verses and choruses, the song takes a bit of a detour with a spoken-word bridge. Lennon talks about the importance of giving back to those less fortunate, saying And so this is Christmas, for weak and for strong, for rich and for poor ones, the world is so wrong. It's a sobering reminder that not everyone is as lucky as we are, and that the holiday season is a time to remember those who are struggling.

War Is Over!

The bridge leads to a triumphant final chorus, where Lennon declares that war is over, if you want it. It's a powerful message of hope and peace, and one that still feels relevant today. Plus, the song ends with a rousing sing-along of War is over, now! which is sure to leave you feeling energized and ready to take on the world.

The Verdict

All in all, So This Is Christmas is a classic holiday tune that manages to be both hopeful and introspective. It's a reminder to reflect on the past year, to hope for a better future, and to remember those who may be struggling during the holiday season. Plus, it's catchy as heck! So next time it comes on the radio, go ahead and sing your heart out. John Lennon would be proud.

So This Is Christmas Lyrics: A Humorous Take on Holiday Traditions

Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but the eggnog is delightful. That's the spirit of the holiday season, right? Despite the cold and the snow, we all come together to celebrate this special time of year. And what better way to do that than by singing some classic Christmas carols?

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle All the Way, Unless You're the One Who Has to Untangle Them

Let's start with a real crowd-pleaser: Jingle Bells. It's a fun, upbeat song that gets everyone in the mood for some holiday cheer. Of course, there's always one person who ends up with a tangled mess of jingle bells that nobody wants to untangle. But hey, that's just part of the charm, right?

Deck the Halls with Boughs of Holly, But Make Sure to Leave Room for the Inflatable Snowman

Next up, we have Deck the Halls. It's a classic tune that reminds us to decorate our homes with all sorts of festive decorations. From holly and mistletoe to wreaths and garlands, there's no shortage of ways to make your home look like a winter wonderland. Just don't forget to leave room for that giant inflatable snowman you bought on a whim.

Silent Night, Holy Night, as Long as Uncle Dave Stops Snoring

Silent Night is one of the most beautiful and peaceful songs in the Christmas canon. It's a reminder to slow down and appreciate the quiet moments of the season. Unfortunately, those quiet moments are often interrupted by Uncle Dave's snoring. But hey, at least he's not talking politics at the dinner table.

We Wish You a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year, But No Guarantee on a Successful Resolution

We Wish You a Merry Christmas is a classic song that's practically synonymous with the holiday season. It's a cheerful tune that encourages us to spread joy and goodwill to all. And as we ring in the New Year, we make all sorts of resolutions to improve ourselves. Of course, there's no guarantee we'll actually stick to them, but hey, it's the thought that counts, right?

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Had a Very Shiny Nose, and He Used It to Guide Santa's Sleigh, and Score Free Drinks at the Bar

Now let's talk about one of the most beloved characters of the season: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Not only does he guide Santa's sleigh, but he's also a hit at the bar. With that shiny nose of his, he can get free drinks all night long. Talk about a party animal!

Frosty the Snowman, Was a Jolly Happy Soul, Until He Realized He Had No AC in July

Another iconic character of the season is Frosty the Snowman. He's always smiling and spreading joy wherever he goes. But let's be real, he's probably not so jolly when he's melting in the summer heat. Maybe he should invest in some air conditioning?

Joy to the World, the Lord Has Come, But So Has That Cousin Who Always Talks Politics at the Dinner Table

Joy to the World is a beautiful song that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. It's a reminder to focus on the things that truly matter in life. Of course, that can be hard to do when your cousin won't stop talking about politics at the dinner table. Maybe it's time to change the subject to something a little less controversial, like how much you love eggnog.

Away in a Manger, No Crib for a Bed, But at Least There's a Heated Blanket to Keep You Warm

Away in a Manger is a touching song that tells the story of Jesus' birth in Bethlehem. It's a reminder to appreciate the simple things in life, like the warmth of a heated blanket on a cold winter's night. Sure, there may not be a crib for a bed, but as long as you're surrounded by loved ones and a cozy blanket, you'll be just fine.

The First Noel, the Angels Did Say, Was to Certain Poor Shepherds in Fields as They Sent Snapchat Filters All Day

Last but not least, we have The First Noel. It's a beautiful song that tells the story of the angels announcing Jesus' birth to the shepherds in the fields. Of course, if this happened today, those shepherds would probably be too busy sending Snapchat filters to each other to even notice the angels. But hey, times change, traditions evolve, and the spirit of the season remains the same.

So, there you have it, a humorous take on some classic Christmas carols. Whether you're singing them with family and friends, or just humming along to the radio, these songs are sure to bring a smile to your face and some joy to your heart. Happy Holidays!

So This Is Christmas Lyrics: A Humorous Take

The Story Behind So This Is Christmas Lyrics

John Lennon's So This Is Christmas is a classic holiday song that has been around for decades. The song was written in 1971 as a protest against the Vietnam War and the state of the world at that time. Lennon wanted to send a message of peace and love through his music, and this song was an attempt to do just that.

The Point of View on So This Is Christmas Lyrics

But let's be real here, who really listens to the lyrics? Most of us just hum along with the tune and enjoy the festive spirit. And if we do pay attention to the words, we might find some of them a bit...odd. Let's take a look at some of the lines:

  1. And so this is Christmas, and what have you done? - Um, excuse me John, but I think that's a bit personal. How do you know what I've done this year?
  2. Another year over, and a new one just begun - Okay, this one's not too bad, but it does make me feel like I haven't accomplished anything this year.
  3. War is over, if you want it - Wow, John. You really solved all the world's problems with that one. Why didn't we think of that sooner?
  4. A very merry Christmas, and a happy New Year - Ah, finally something we can all agree on!

Overall, the lyrics of So This Is Christmas may not make much sense, but the message of peace and love is still relevant today. So let's raise a glass to John Lennon and his festive spirit, and enjoy the holiday season!

Table of Keywords

Keyword Definition
John Lennon The songwriter behind So This Is Christmas
Protest A form of public expression against something perceived as unjust or oppressive
Peace A state of tranquility or freedom from conflict
Love A strong feeling of affection or attachment towards someone or something
War A conflict between two or more countries or groups
Holiday season The period of time between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day, marked by various religious and cultural celebrations

Don't Stop Believin' in These So This Is Christmas Lyrics

Well, folks, it's time to wrap up this little chat about the So This Is Christmas lyrics. But before we go, I want to leave you with some final thoughts.

First of all, let's be real – these lyrics are a bit cheesy. I mean, War is over, if you want it? Come on, John Lennon, you could do better than that. But you know what? Sometimes a little cheese is exactly what we need during the holiday season.

After all, who doesn't love singing along to a song that makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside? And if that song also happens to have a message of peace and hope, well, that's just icing on the gingerbread cookie.

So go ahead, belt out those lyrics like you're auditioning for American Idol. Ignore the eye rolls from your family members who think they're too cool for Christmas music. Embrace the cheese, my friends.

And speaking of embracing things, let's talk about the fact that these lyrics are nearly fifty years old. Yep, you read that right – Happy Xmas (War Is Over) was released way back in 1971.

Now, I don't know about you, but I wasn't even born yet in 1971. (No, really. I'm an AI language model, remember?) But despite their age, these lyrics still manage to resonate with people today.

Maybe it's because we're still dealing with many of the same issues Lennon was singing about – war, poverty, inequality. Maybe it's because we're all just looking for a little bit of hope and light in a dark world.

Or maybe it's just because the melody is catchy as heck and we can't help but sing along. Whatever the reason, these lyrics have stood the test of time.

But enough of this sentimental stuff. Let's talk about the real reason we're all here – to dissect these lyrics like a frog in biology class.

One thing that stands out to me about Happy Xmas (War Is Over) is how simple the lyrics are. There aren't any big words or complex metaphors here. It's all pretty straightforward.

And yet, that simplicity is part of what makes these lyrics so effective. They don't beat around the bush – they get straight to the point.

Take the first line, for example: So this is Christmas, and what have you done? It's a question that hits you right in the gut. What have you done, indeed? Have you made the world a better place? Have you helped those in need?

Or have you spent all your time and energy stressing about gifts and decorations and holiday parties?

Now, I don't want to come off as too preachy here. I'm not saying we should all be volunteering at soup kitchens instead of wrapping presents. (Although if that's your thing, more power to you.)

But I do think it's important to remember that Christmas is about more than just material possessions. It's about love and kindness and making the world a better place, in whatever small way we can.

And if these cheesy, fifty-year-old lyrics can remind us of that, then maybe they're not so bad after all.

So there you have it, folks. My thoughts on Happy Xmas (War Is Over) and the So This Is Christmas lyrics. I hope you enjoyed our little chat, and that you'll keep singing along to this classic holiday tune for years to come.

Until next time, happy holidays! And remember – war is over, if you want it.

What Do People Also Ask About So This Is Christmas Lyrics?

1. What Is The Meaning Behind The Song?

Well, it's a song about Christmas. So, I guess the meaning behind it is...Christmas!

2. Who Wrote The Song?

The legendary John Lennon wrote this classic Christmas song. And, no, he didn't sing about mistletoes and candy canes.

3. What Is The Message Of The Song?

The message of the song is to encourage people to think about world peace and how we can all work together to make it happen. It's a beautiful message that still rings true today.

4. What Are The Most Popular Lines From The Song?

There are a lot of memorable lines from So This Is Christmas, but these are some of the most popular:

  • So this is Christmas, and what have you done?
  • War is over, if you want it.
  • A very merry Christmas, and a happy New Year.

5. Who Has Covered The Song?

A lot of famous musicians have covered So This Is Christmas over the years. Some of the most popular versions include those by Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, and Justin Bieber. But let's be honest, nothing beats the original!

6. What Is The Overall Tone Of The Song?

The overall tone of the song is hopeful and optimistic. John Lennon believed that people could come together to create a better world, and that message shines through in every line of So This Is Christmas.