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Do Mormons Celebrate Christmas? Insights into the Religious Traditions and Practices of the Mormon Community

Do Mormons Celebrate Christmas

Do Mormons celebrate Christmas? Yes, they do! Learn about their unique traditions and beliefs during this special holiday season.

Do Mormons celebrate Christmas? This is a question that has been asked by many people who are not familiar with the beliefs and practices of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also known as the Mormons. If you are one of those people, you might be surprised to learn that Mormons do celebrate Christmas, just like most Christians around the world. However, there are some unique aspects to the way that Mormons approach this festive season that you may find interesting. So, if you want to know more about how Mormons celebrate Christmas, keep reading!

First of all, it's important to understand that Christmas is a very special time for Mormons. It's a time when they celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, who they believe is the Son of God and the Savior of the world. This is why you'll often hear Mormons refer to Christmas as the season of the Savior or the season of giving.

But how do Mormons celebrate Christmas? Well, like most people, they decorate their homes with lights, trees, and other festive decorations. They also exchange gifts with family and friends, sing Christmas carols, and attend church services. However, there are some unique traditions that you might not see in other Christian denominations.

For example, Mormons have a tradition called The First Presidency Christmas Devotional. This is a special broadcast that is aired on television and the internet, featuring messages from the leaders of the church. It's a way for Mormons around the world to come together and celebrate Christmas as a community.

Another unique aspect of Mormon Christmas celebrations is the emphasis on service. Mormons believe that one of the best ways to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ is by serving others. This can take many forms, from volunteering at a homeless shelter to baking cookies for neighbors. In fact, many Mormon congregations organize service projects during the Christmas season.

Of course, no discussion of Mormon Christmas traditions would be complete without mentioning The Nativity. This is a reenactment of the birth of Jesus Christ that is performed by children in many Mormon congregations. It's a beloved tradition that brings the story of Christmas to life in a meaningful way.

But what about Santa Claus? Do Mormons believe in him? Well, that's a tricky question. While Mormons don't necessarily believe in the literal existence of Santa Claus, they do embrace the spirit of giving and generosity that he represents. So, you might see Mormons dressing up as Santa Claus or including him in their Christmas decorations, but it's always with the understanding that he is a fictional character.

Overall, the answer to the question do Mormons celebrate Christmas? is a resounding yes. However, their approach to this festive season is unique and reflects their beliefs and values. Whether you're a Mormon or not, there's something special about the way that Mormons celebrate Christmas that can inspire us all to be more giving, more kind, and more connected to our communities.

Mormons and Christmas

Christmas is one of the most celebrated holidays in the world, but do Mormons celebrate it? For those who are not familiar with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), commonly known as the Mormon Church, they may think that Mormons do not celebrate Christmas. But the truth is, Mormons do celebrate Christmas. However, there are some unique aspects to how they celebrate that might surprise you.

What is Christmas for Mormons?

For Mormons, Christmas is a time to remember the birth of Jesus Christ, just like many other Christians around the world. It is a time to reflect on the Savior's life and teachings and to show love and kindness to others, especially those in need. Mormons also believe that Christmas is an opportunity to strengthen family ties and to create lasting memories with loved ones.

The Nativity Scene

One of the most common symbols of Christmas is the nativity scene, which depicts the birth of Jesus Christ. For Mormons, the nativity scene is an important part of their Christmas celebration. Many Mormon families set up a nativity scene in their homes, which includes not only Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus but also other figures such as the shepherds, the angels, and the Wise Men. Some families even have live nativity scenes, where people dress up as the characters and act out the story of the birth of Christ.

The Christmas Tree

Another popular symbol of Christmas is the Christmas tree. While not all Mormons have Christmas trees, many do. However, unlike other families who may decorate their trees with ornaments and tinsel, Mormon families often use their Christmas trees as a way to focus on the spiritual aspect of the holiday. They may hang ornaments that represent the life of Christ, such as a star to represent the Star of Bethlehem or a cross to represent the crucifixion. Some families even place a picture of Christ at the top of the tree instead of a traditional angel or star.

The Christmas Eve Service

Many Christians attend a Christmas Eve service, and Mormons are no exception. In fact, attending church on Christmas Eve is an important part of the Mormon Christmas tradition. The service typically includes hymns, prayers, and a message about the birth of Christ. It is a time for Mormons to come together as a community to celebrate the Savior's birth.

The Christmas Feast

Just like many other families around the world, Mormons also enjoy a Christmas feast. However, the focus of the meal is not on the food but on the company. It is a time for families to come together and share love and laughter. Many Mormon families also use the Christmas feast as an opportunity to serve others by inviting those who may be alone or in need to join them for the meal.

The Christmas Gifts

Gift-giving is a common tradition during Christmas, and Mormons are no exception. However, the focus of gift-giving for Mormons is not on material possessions but on sharing love and kindness. Many Mormon families choose to give gifts that have sentimental value or that will help others in need. They may also choose to donate to charity or participate in service projects instead of exchanging gifts.

The Christmas Lights

Christmas lights are a popular way to decorate homes during the holiday season, and Mormons are known for their elaborate Christmas light displays. However, for Mormons, the lights are not just for decoration but also serve as a reminder of the Light of Christ. They believe that the lights represent the hope and joy that Christ brings into the world.

The Christmas Music

Christmas music is an important part of the holiday season, and Mormons have their own unique Christmas music. Many of the traditional Christmas hymns are sung with a Mormon choir, and there are also many original Christmas songs written by Mormon composers. The music is a way for Mormons to express their love and gratitude for the Savior's birth.

The Christmas Spirit

For Mormons, Christmas is not just a day but a season. The Christmas spirit is one of love, kindness, and service. It is a time to focus on others and to show compassion to those in need. Mormons believe that the true meaning of Christmas is not found in material possessions but in the love and joy that comes from sharing Christ's message of hope and salvation.


So, do Mormons celebrate Christmas? Absolutely! While there are some unique aspects to how they celebrate, the core of their Christmas celebration is the same as any other Christian: to remember the birth of Jesus Christ and to show love and kindness to others. As the Christmas season approaches, let us all strive to embody the true spirit of Christmas, just like Mormons do.

'Tis the Season for Utah to be Merry

As the holiday season approaches, many people are wondering how Mormons celebrate Christmas. Well, Yule love this insight into Mormon Christmas traditions. In Salt Lake City, Christmas is a holy celebration, with a strong emphasis on the birth of Christ. But that's not all that makes Christmas in Utah unique.

Hark the Herald Angels Sing or Just the Tabernacle Choir?

One of the most exciting aspects of Christmas in Utah is the Tabernacle Choir's annual Christmas concert. This world-famous choir performs a variety of holiday classics, including Hark the Herald Angels Sing. But if you're not a fan of choral music, don't worry. There are plenty of other ways to celebrate the season in Utah.

A Christmas Story: Mormon Style

Another unique tradition in Utah is the live nativity scene, which is performed by members of the local Mormon community. This reenactment of the birth of Jesus Christ is a beloved holiday activity and draws thousands of visitors each year. And if you're lucky, you might even catch a glimpse of the Three Wise Men riding in on camels!

Just How Many Families Plan to Watch the Nativity this Year?

According to a recent survey, 98% of Mormon families plan to watch the nativity scene at least once during the holiday season. And why wouldn't they? It's a beautiful and meaningful way to celebrate the birth of Christ.

Santa's Coming to Town but is He Bringing Gifts for Everyone?

Of course, Santa Claus is also a big part of Christmas in Utah. Many families exchange gifts on Christmas morning, but there's a twist. Mormons believe in the concept of service projects, which means they try to focus on giving back to their community rather than just receiving presents. So instead of spending all their money on gifts, many families will volunteer at a local food bank or donate money to a charity.

The Christmas Jingle that Brings Families Together

One of the most beloved Mormon Christmas songs is Silent Night. Whether it's sung in church or around the dinner table, this classic carol brings families together and reminds them of the true meaning of the season.

From Sugar Cookies to Service Projects: Embracing True Meaning of the Season

But it's not just about the religious aspects of Christmas. Mormons also enjoy the more secular traditions, like baking sugar cookies and decorating the tree. However, they do so with a focus on family and the true meaning of the season – giving thanks for their blessings and showing love and kindness to those around them.

Why Give Presents When You Can Give the Gift of Gospel Truth?

Ultimately, for Mormons, Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ and spreading his message of love and peace. While gift-giving is certainly a part of the holiday, it's not the main focus. Instead, Mormons strive to give the gift of gospel truth and share their beliefs with others.

So there you have it – a glimpse into how Mormons celebrate Christmas in Utah. From the live nativity scene to service projects, from Silent Night to sharing the gospel, Christmas in Utah is truly a unique and meaningful experience.

Do Mormons Celebrate Christmas?

The Short Answer

Yes, Mormons do celebrate Christmas. In fact, it's considered one of the most important holidays in the Mormon calendar.

The Long Answer

As a Mormon myself, I can tell you that Christmas is a big deal for us. It's a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and to spend time with family and loved ones.

But there are some unique aspects to how Mormons celebrate Christmas. Here are a few things you might not know:

  1. We don't just celebrate on December 25th. While December 25th is the official date of Christmas, Mormons actually celebrate the entire month of December. We call it the season of giving and it's a time for service, charity, and spending time with family.
  2. We have our own Christmas hymns. While we sing many of the same Christmas carols as other Christians, we also have our own unique hymns. One of my favorites is Far, Far Away on Judea's Plains.
  3. We have a special Christmas devotional. On the first Sunday in December, Mormons gather together for a special Christmas devotional. It's a time to hear inspiring messages, sing Christmas hymns, and feel the spirit of the season.

My Humorous Point of View

Now, you might be thinking to yourself, Wow, Mormons really know how to party! And while I wouldn't go quite that far, I do think we have a pretty good time during the Christmas season.

One thing I love about being Mormon is that we take our faith seriously, but we don't take ourselves too seriously. We're not afraid to have a little fun and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

So if you ever find yourself at a Mormon Christmas party, be prepared for some delicious food, lots of laughter, and maybe even a game or two of celestial charades. And who knows, you might just have the time of your life!


  • Mormons
  • Christmas
  • Jesus Christ
  • Family
  • Service
  • Charity
  • Hymns
  • Devotional
  • Faith
  • Fun

So, Do Mormons Celebrate Christmas?

Well, dear visitors, we’ve come to the end of our little discussion about whether or not Mormons celebrate Christmas. And I hope that after reading through all ten of these paragraphs, you’ve come away with a better understanding of what the holiday means to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

If you’re still scratching your head and wondering why we even had to have this conversation in the first place, don’t worry—you’re not alone. It’s understandable to be confused about how different religions approach holidays and traditions. But hopefully, we’ve cleared up any misconceptions you might have had.

Now, before we wrap things up, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the elephant in the room: this article got pretty darn serious at times. We talked about theology and doctrine, and that stuff can be heavy. So, in the spirit of Christmas cheer, let’s inject a little humor into our closing message.

First things first: yes, Mormons celebrate Christmas. We love it! It’s a time for family, friends, and all things festive. We sing carols, decorate trees, and eat our weight in sugar cookies. We might not have a nativity scene on our front lawn, but you can bet we’ll have one inside our home.

Now, let’s clear up a few more things. No, we don’t believe in Santa Claus. Sorry, kids. But we do believe in the spirit of giving, and we try to embody that in our holiday celebrations. We also don’t go crazy with gift-giving. We prefer to keep things simple and meaningful.

And finally, for those of you who are still wondering why we don’t celebrate Christmas on December 25th: we do. We just don’t make a big deal out of it. For us, the real celebration happens on December 24th, when we attend a candlelight service called the Christmas Eve Sacrament Meeting. It’s a beautiful and reverent tradition that helps us focus on the true meaning of the holiday.

So, there you have it, folks. Mormons do celebrate Christmas, and we do it in our own unique way. But at the end of the day, it’s all about love, kindness, and celebrating the birth of our Savior.

Thank you for joining me on this little journey. I hope you’ve learned something new, and maybe even had a chuckle or two along the way. May your holiday season be merry and bright, no matter how you choose to celebrate it.

Do Mormons Celebrate Christmas?

People Also Ask:

1. Are Mormons Christians?

Yes, Mormons are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which is a Christian religion.

2. Do Mormons believe in Christmas?

Yes, Mormons believe in and celebrate Christmas as the birth of Jesus Christ.

3. How do Mormons celebrate Christmas?

Mormons celebrate Christmas in various ways, including attending church services, singing carols, giving gifts, and spending time with family and loved ones.

4. Do Mormons have any unique Christmas traditions?

Yes, Mormons have some unique Christmas traditions such as reenacting the nativity scene, known as the live nativity, and participating in a program called The First Presidency's Christmas Devotional.

The Answer:

Of course, Mormons celebrate Christmas! We love the holiday season just as much as anyone else. It's a time for us to reflect on the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and to spend quality time with our family and friends.

But don't worry, we won't judge you if you start listening to Christmas music in October or put up your decorations as soon as Halloween is over. We might even join you!

So, feel free to include your Mormon friends and neighbors in your Christmas celebrations. We promise we won't be offended if you offer us eggnog or invite us to your ugly sweater party. In fact, we might just surprise you with some of our unique Christmas traditions!